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The earliest entries found here are pre-blog online journaling, staring the day before September 11th, 2001.  We lived in Fisher Park Apartments in West Seneca, and Christina was in the latter half of grade school at St. Thomas Aquinas, though I was by this time much involved in Our Lady of the Sacred Heart in Orhcard Park.  It was marked by somewhat tight financial times and a brief period of having an office out of the home.  It was also the start of share farming at Native Offerings.  Each blog post is comprised of several months of entries in forward chronological order, and the posts are dated on or after the last entry. 

In February of 2004, a friend at the farm introduced me to blogging and the entries from this time until years later was done on LiveJournal.  These years were spent working out of the home with a few good years, and the beginning of Tai Chi classes at the VA Recovery Center and DuPont for corporate wellness.  I became a registered interfaith minister and started becoming involved in cult research once again.  And yes, by this time my hair was no longer long, having cut it for Christina’s Father Daughter Dance at Mount Mercy Academy.  Additional writings from this time, from editorials to scam warnings to poetry, were posted and archived on the Kentropolis Forums.

In May of 2007, I started the WordPress blog at KenVille.Net, and set it up to cross-post to LiveJournal, asking people to comment on KenVille instead.  (In July 2010, I stopped doing this and imported all the entries from LiveJournal into WordPress.)  These years are marked by buying and settling into a home in South Buffalo and Christina being off to college.  Reinventing my business in light of social media, changing technology, and business consultation has brought a lot of changes — and a record year, with the buying out of a primary services vendor.  The content from the Kentropolis Forums (being phased out) is still being moved elsewhere, the bulk of writing moved to the “intellectual blog”,  Some posts were recorded here, and the rest will be archived off-line or published on other, specific topic blogs.