Merry has off for several days and we decided for our (relatively broke) anniversary to do autumn cleaning and such together. We went through our clothes rotation, donating as we went. The attic is more organized, and I recycled a large volume of miscellaneous religious tracts I had from years ago. I made huge headway in catching up on reading comics and other magazines. And something magical happened … for a few fleeting hours, my email inbox was empty!
Merry is out more than she likes and therefore prefers to stay home, while I sit in front of my screen most of the week so want to get out. We compromised with a brief foray of (mostly) window shopping and going to Wayside for dinner. Also, it’s rare Merry is with me when I go to the video store, so I had a chance to see what interested her for when I come there in the future. We rented and watched “The Bourne Indentity” and will probably watch the non-theatrical version later this week.
But for tonight, I have my Masonic initiation. My friend Mark Robson will even be there. Merry’s initiation into the Order of the Eastern Star — something she always wanted to do — is in a few days. Merry said I’ve tried my whole life to create a brotherhood of sorts in my personal life and beyond, and that this is a fulfillment of that at last. I think I agree.
Other than that, Merry is pining away for the pit bull we saw at the Ellicottville Fall Festival, checking on it’s adoption status online every day and has his picture as her laptop background. She doesn’t hesitate to show me his big face at every chance, and she’s almost teary when she talks about him, logic and circumstance be damned. Not sure how that will play out …