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Dream Stuff

I’ve had many revelations in dreams over the years in various forms, more and more often in a state of lucidity where I know I’m dreaming. I give a lot of thought to the nature of dreams, psychologically, spiritually, and metaphysically. I ask questions...

Revisiting Myself Through Others

We’re at the edge of the snowbelt for the first snow of the season, getting almost two feet here while those to the south have driving bans and those to the north have green lawns. Our usual Sunday visit of “the Daves” to watch old Dr.Who episodes...

Travels and Dreams

Went to Grand Lodge this year, if only to babysit Marry’s cousin who was Worshipful Master of my mother Lodge. He hadn’t visited Manhattan before and I was glad to play your guide; he was grateful I handled all the arrangements. We parked the car in...

Nearby Fire

Across the street from us is Linda, our cat-lady neighbor, and next to her is an empty lot where an abandoned house was torn down some years ago. The deer like to hang out there, mostly ignoring those who walk by. On the other side of the lot is (was) a house with...