When I think of continental breakfast, I think ceral dispenser, a toaster for bagels, and a plate of danishes.
Not any more. The presentation was out of a fairy movie, with roses mixed in with silver plates and bowls of fruits, dates, cereals, a pitcher of milk, a few cuts of pork and lamb (which Moo specially requested for Mer). Oh, and chilled mushrooms and other stuff that I’ll probably remember later.
Afterward, Mer took a bath (Jacuzzi nozzles didn’t work, but it was a huge tub so Mer was happy happy) and we took a shower. Two lower showerheads and one removable upper one. The mist created what looked like fog in the suite. It was actually a lot cooler than it sounds — it wasn’t a general haze, but a distinctly demarked cloud. After it cleared, I spent every moment I could on the smooth, firm matress, weapped in the comforter (which I now realized is a well-named object), while Mer did some personal accounting on the floor in front of the remote-control gas fireplace.
When we absolutely had to (nearing 11:30), we checked out, sat and read the newspaper by one of the fireplaces in the lobby area, and went home.
But the fun didn’t end there. It was the beginning of a wonderful day. We sang (both humns and secular oldies) at an asisted living center / retirement home. We did well, and with some of the oldies, we should have switched places with the singalong residents. They really loveed having us, and I hope we can do it again.
That afternoon, I drove around with Chrissy (looking for a hair salon and not finding one open), ran a few errands, and she spent part of the afternoon hanging around with Mer and I. Susan came over, as did Jeff and Mike. I did tarot “readings” all around, except for Chrissy, who was too busy compiling MP3s to add to a CD of pics she took when I loaned her my camera earlier in the week.
Which reminds me: Chrissy is taking an interest in punk, and it’s just plain weird collaborating with Merry, who is more than willing to make suggestions for bands and songs from that era. Also of note, we’re holding off guitar lessons until after the school year ends so she can spend more time on schoolwork.
Anyway, it was great to see Susan, who was visitng from Albany. She couldn’t stay over, but her, Jeff, Mer, and I played cards until the wee hours.
Sunday was spent relaxing some more, and Moo came over for brunch. She seemed really impressed with her tarot reading, suggesting I could do parties at $10 a person. (It would be a fun way to put my psych and counselling skills to use — who knows?) After she left (and I crashed for a few hours in a pleasantly restful nap) we settled down with FOX — King of the Hill (my favorite), the Simpsons, Family Guy, and American Dad. I couldn’t ask for a better weekend.