Well, I’ve done a few firsts. I got stung by a bee (fortunately I got the stinger out immediately so there wasn’t much swelling). And I finally launched the pilot for my Earth 2 Mouth project. There were five of us, Michelle and people from her church, along with Katie from Native Offerings farm where we worked, then preparing and serving food at Friends of Night People. We had quite a bounty, and the left half of it behind to be served another day. Everyone seemed to have a great time. Sure I almost got heat stroke (it tied the record temperature that day in East Otto) and was exhausted and sore at the end of day, but I would do it all over again. In fact, I plan to.
And it was the start of a glorious weekend. Saturday, we visited the cider mill, a pumpkin patch, and even shopping for stocks was a pleasant part of the day. I went to a Facebook party in Hamburg (canceled unbeknownst to me) and instead went to Coyote Café for fried ice cream and a sangria for Merry. Sunday was relaxing at home, and watching a movie (The Tooth Fairy with The Rock, Julie Andrews, and Billy Crystal) that was definitely better than the one the night before (The Curious Case of Benjamin Button).
I’m also getting settled in to the new accounts I acquired from taking over the hosting business of Silver Star Sites. This, and the landing for the first time ever a SECOND big project for the year, will put me on track to pay off back taxes, much of which was due to our old “Tax Lady” (Esther Gulyas) losing our paperwork from 2007. As soon as I’m paid up, I will be suing her, taking away her claim that I am doing so to fix my own “tax problem”. It will probably take place at the beginning of tax season, which might give her the publicity she deserves.
Other than that, Alb3rt has been spending too much time on Farmville, but to be honest, I enjoy watching him play. In our real garden, we’re harvesting the largest tomatoes I’ve ever seen — likely the same heirloom variety as the German Gems my Grandpa used to grow. It was a great year, except the sunflowers never came up, and the ornamental squash don’t seem to be thriving. From a scrap pile of an estate sale, I acquired some plywood, by which to make a strawberry rack, which Merry wants to be enclosed to protect from the squirrels. the planks are too much of a pain to take into the basement, so I may build it outside before winter sets in.