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dear humans

Dearest Citizen of the World, I believe the time has come to reveal to you some of the perplexities you have faced in recent decades. It is well for you to understand some of these things so that you might know how to behave in the New Order now taking shape on the...

I Am A White Nigger

Seriously. Here is an excerpt of an article, THE BLACK SONS OF POLAND regarding Black Polish-Americans who fought for Poland. … In my personal opinion, they were sons of mixed Polish-African marriages, which were not so uncommon when the first wave of Polish...

Local Domestic Violence Program

{sent to Western New York Catholic monthly periodical, 1 January 2001} Sirs: It is good to know that the “Man to Man” domestic violence intervention program has expanded geographically to another county. However, there remains a silence regarding a real need that it...

Movie Anticipation

Which movie is the most “must-see”?I grew up on Star Wars. It was my religion as a child. But Lucas's New Testemant (I-III) I can leave behind.Matrix is awesome and curiosity is killing me on how it concludes.But Lord of the Rings …Maybe...