Just read this on a buleltin board. Seriously.
“OMFGzzz!! You’re 4ll YOUNg3r 7}{4n mE. s0z. YoU mUs7 b3 N0oB!!!!111!!!!1!!!1111!!10n30n3!!!11!1”
And I thought I was a cunning linguist.
Just read this on a buleltin board. Seriously.
“OMFGzzz!! You’re 4ll YOUNg3r 7}{4n mE. s0z. YoU mUs7 b3 N0oB!!!!111!!!!1!!!1111!!10n30n3!!!11!1”
And I thought I was a cunning linguist.
Welcome to the world of online gaming.
Just be glad Halo PC doesn’t have built-in voice chat for everyone.