Way too cozy in bed between the dog and a stuffed bear (“Fenway” – a make-your-own bear), anmd my wife tells me I need to shovel. After nearly an hour of fighting with the blower, removing chunks of ice and slosh every couple seconds and/or feet, I threw in the towel. I would have used the SHOVEL, but someone freaking stole it days earlier. And parents here are complaining about their kiddie shovels being broken or missing, when they leave them out for the plow to drive over or someone to trip on.
Anyway, Lady (our dog) wouldn’t go out to pee before I started, so I stepped in a huge puddle when I got back.
Way to start a really busy day, eh?
I’m sitting here with one sock (the other was wet with dog urine) and I smell intolerably like gasoline from fighting with the snow blower.
I’m taking a shower.