My butt sticks out. No, this isn’t a body-mage statement. It’s a problem I haver in my posture, recognized by Lin Lin Choi, the Tai Chi expert who led the seminar I attended at my school yesterday.
It was a humbling experience. She corrected various problems I had that I’m used to correcting on other people. Which was wonderful. It’s about time I had someone over my own shoulder helping me along. I wish I could do that regularly.
But the big thing is my butt, or more specifically the tension in my hips making proper alignment, and therefore motion, difficult. But now I can work on it by sitting a certain way to stretch it a little.
Re: tension in the hips
I never said my but was big. I said it was sticking out. Posture versus mass.
Anyway … do I know you? You’re leaving comments in my LiveJournal and I don’t know if you’re trying to be funny and friendly, or just an ass. No offense taken if none is meant and vice versa.
Fill me in.
tension in the hips
Hey i know a better way to lose that hip/butt thing you need to get laid the farther you spread your legs the more exercise your ass gets thus helping the whole big butt thing … best of luck to you on that and have a wonderful day…love your lord and master DamnSeductresslove.blogspot