Uncle Sam as a Ninja. I almost turned the car around to srop traffic and use my camera.
You think I’m kidding.
Well, actually, he looked more like a terrorist hiding his face with a black scarf around it. At the expressway offramp on Union at Airport Plaza, some kid dressed up as Uncle Sam — RW&B top hat, coat and trousers — apparently thought it was too cold with just a beard. He was advertising “Liberty Tax Service” or something-such-similar. But to see unlce sam hiding his face like an Iraqi “insurgent” was a bit … disturbing.
Or maybe it was just unintentional political satire.
I don’t know if I should thank you or charge you for ad space.
And I hope that poor kid didn’t lose his job because of me … where are patriotic ninjas going to find employment these days?
Thanks for mentioning Liberty Tax Service.
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