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I’ve been doing some overdue research on a few things. And keep in mind I am trained to research topics objectively while putting aside presuppositions to reduce or remove my own personal bias. So instead of fueling some fire to prove or disprove something, it is giving me a lot of food for honest thought, and enabling me to see others’ bias independent of viewpoint.

First, I’ve been tracking the history of the Born Again Movement, Evangelicalism, and Fundamentalism, which are all overlapping, yet distinctly different things. As I suspected, the Born Again Movement is a relatively recent, modern American phenomenon, though tracable in part to the writings of John Wesley (Methodism). Evangelicalism is modern, as in late 19th Century forward, as is Fundamentalism, both being responses to the perceived challenges to faith of science and reason. This is just a glossing over of it all, but you get the idea.

Secondly, I’ve been researching various “heresies” since the early church. In the process I’ve been reading a lot of fundamentalist and evangelical essays to understand where I differ from (and agree with) those theological perspectives and why. I am finally starting to see where the lines are drawn between the various churches and their ideologies, and the detailed basis for those disagreements intead of just writing it off to cultism or tribalism (intolerance of different views).

It seems the biggest issues are matters of Christology (the divine and/or human nature of Jesus of Nazareth) and Soteriology (the means of salvation, such as the doctrine of Justification). And I am starting to realize where my understanding fits within those theological frameworks — a lot of things are making more sense than ever to me.

But I wont tell you where I stand here … I’d like to keep you guessing. :^P