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Most Beautiful Music

I actually have a list of the most beautiful songs ever written, which includes Greensleeves, Pie Jesu, Chuaigh Me ‘na Rosann, and Shalom Aleichem. Here is a truly moving version of the last one …

Facebook Catholics

I decided to join a group on today: “We’re not Crazy, We’re just Catholic” Using Buddy Jesus as their icon, their main page starts with reasons why people think we’re crazy, including … Whenever anyone in Star Wars saga...

Some Days …

Today I rescheduled my Tai Chi class to be able to go to a BNI meeting in Dunkirk / Fredonia.  Half-asleep at the wheel and in the dark, I used the EZ-Pass lane by mistake and now have to wait for a violation notice to resolve it.  However, it was a good meeting and I...


My daughter will be playing a stripper-or-something-or-other as one of the lead players in Godspell this Fall.  I think I liked it better when she was a nun in Sound of Music, but it’s a step up from being a horse in Man of La Mancha, I suppose. I didn’t...

Obama & Religion I watched the whole video and was impressed.  He was very artful in being open-minded about different sides of issues, showed philosophical insight into ethics and theology in a...