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I’m a Real “Amerrcan” Now

My friend Jim from grade school (who found me on Facebook a little while back) took me out to a shooting range in Tonawanda the other day.  I fired a Remington 597 .22LR, Saiga .223 (takes both .223 and 5.56×45), and Beretta Storm CX4 .45 ACP.  He also showed me...

Shaking Hands with the Devil

Though I think the sentiment doesn’t count when two devils shake each other’s hands … Clinton secured the release of two journalists, and probably threw Gore in the mix to beef up his...

Obama STILL Raising Money?

I continue to get emails from his campaign machine, usually begging for money (AFTER the election mind you) or selling bumper stickers and t-shirts.  Whatever.  Here’s my question, and I dare anyone in their staff to publicly answer it: When you send me constant...
Why is Obama still Fund-Raising?

Why is Obama still Fund-Raising?

I keep getting requests for financial support from Obama’s team — he was elected half a year ago!  Is there any precedent for such a thing?  Are they saving up for a “Clinton bailout”?  Does the president have his own lobby?  WTH???

Decide. Please. But THINK first.

{I wrote this on LinkedIn, in response to a discussion about Obama virtually firing the CEO of GM.} The American people need to decide between We The People and Das Kapital. But before we do, we need to educate every citizen with the common sense to know the score: We...