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A Long Winter

A Long Winter

Earlier this week, I saw the biggest snowflakes I had ever seen. No kidding — they were the size of half-dollars. It was beautiful, but enough is enough. I can hear the birds, and I went out once or twice without a jacket in between flurries. We still have a...

Old Furnace, New Furnace

Thursday night, our furnace started making noise without making any heat. It’s may have done that once or twice before, and turning it on and off fixed the problem. Not anymore. I called an associate from the Professional and Businessmen’s Association,...

A long end of the year …

The holidays were great, excepting my battle over the stresses of the ridiculousness of recent politics and lamenting various other injustices.  (I really should stop reading the news.)   But the last couple months were much more trying. When my hard drive first...
Paving the Yellow Brick Road

Paving the Yellow Brick Road

Okay, it was more of a peach color, but the parts of this century old street that showed was really a simple pleasure to walk on. A few weeks ago, new street signs indicated a change in the alternate parking days, from 4pm Sundays and Wednesdays to 6pm Mondays and...
A Perfect Start for Fall

A Perfect Start for Fall

Well, I’ve done a few firsts. I got stung by a bee (fortunately I got the stinger out immediately so there wasn’t much swelling).  And I finally launched the pilot for my Earth 2 Mouth project.  There were five of us, Michelle and people from her church,...