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Go fly a kite? Okay.

Sunday, I finally went kite flying. It's been a couple years, maybe more. I still feel the burn. I don't remember it ever being that physical. I wore the white Kung Fu top with green piping I was saving for just such an occasion, with my "noisy pants" Merry hates so much, that I discovered must be pulled up constantly if you try to run in them. Anyway, it started off nicely, with the line stretching across Caz Park...

Journalizing the 219

Journalizing the 219

When the 219 resumed construction after all these years, I decided to capture it on film (figuratively these days). As I travelled to and from the farm so many times a year all those years, I captured their progress ... building bridges and embankments, landscaping, machines, everything. Even what looked like a tree farm. Apparently, the 219 as it was -- mostly a two-lane highway -- incurred many deaths and the...

Q&A About My Marriage

{I found these in my notes (8/12/1998), but I don't recall the context ... it was just obvious they were my answers.} How did meeting her change your life? She's was the ideal mate since we met, though I didn't realize it right away. I had a lot of emotional baggage at that time, and she proved to me I deserved to be treated well and that I was a good person, something I had long forgotten. I needed healing and she...

A More than Fair Fair

Around 1.2 million people were there this year -- a record. And it was the first time in years the Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra attended, on Vet's Day. The parade was just after mid-day, then I worked the Masonic ID Program, then met up with Merry for the free concert, with a patriotic theme and fireworks, another thing not done in years. (And it was the first time in public I gave the District 12 sign after the...

Pirates and Jedis and I

Pirates and Jedis and I

I didn't participate much in Star Wars Bison's Night this year, but I got free tickets to the Pirate's Night because I made a graphic for the video presentation. But on an odd note, someone posted on Facebook a picture of me they found in a friend's son's scrap book. Seriously. As a Jedi. It must have been at the ballpark the year before (or two). The mini-R2 I'm holding was actually an artified garbage can for...

Christmas in July?

Last Sunday, I had a party, "Ken's Summer Backyard Get-Together Luau Party Bash Shindig". The description: "Kinda like Christmas in July, but the presents are food and good company. A holiday for framily, facebook friends, business associates, tai chi students, and wandering vagabonds. May involve extreme s'mores after sundown. Alcohol optional, kid-friendly, and games possibly." Shindig was Mer's idea and it just...

Holding onto Paper, Data

Holding onto Paper, Data

I've been somewhat briskly digitizing old files in my drawer and filing cabinet. It's funny how even old insurance bills for a car I had years ago wells up sentiment. Nothing in particular, just the general psychological cling to the past being remembered. The business records are easier to scan and toss, and I've even tossed some things without scanning, but some of it is admittedly frivolous to hold onto. I also...

The Bee is the Thing

This is the second time I've dreamt of bees this week. The two queens (5-frame nucs to be precise) we ordered are about a month out, and the clock is ticking on getting hives ready, one reclaimed from the abandoned boxes, and one new from a retired carpenter who is taking up bees himself. Okay, back up ... this is the year I decided to bee-keep, and Christina decided to partner with me on it. I've been reading on...

Enough already. Really, enough.

I like snow. I even like driving in it. I like Winter. But this is just too much. Polar vortex, two blizzards ... I don't know whether to blame the Jet Stream or the fact that God hates Al Gore. It was okay that I got my injury during  time it made sense to stay home and rest. But I'm done. If it snows, I'm not going to shovel it. I took down the blueberry sandwich boards I made to protect them, took the brush out...