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Father Gary

I almost forgot about him, but not in my heart. Whenever I look at the tiny framed artwork of the Madonna in silver that he gave me, I think of him. Father Gary Kibler was one of my teachers in high school, but much more than that. I was an assistant of sorts in that...

Well into Autumn

I was going to name this post “A Year Without Halloween” but that seemed too negative. It did make me a bit sad, especially when someone came to our door by mistake. Due to a cash crunch, we couldn’t afford candy, and there are hardly any kids coming...

Beekeeping and Joywalking

I have no idea if this is Indian Summer, late Summer, or a mild Autumn. Such labels apply here less than ever it seems. But the bees in our first backyard hive have really ramped up their honey production this last month or so, mostly from “flute-plant”...

College Reunion

I believe I went to my 10th reunion for D’Youville College and I was the only one representing my class. Other than that, I only went to donor’s Masses (most years) and the occasional tea. But this year I actually volunteered to reach out to my classmates,...

Back in the Saddle?

Apart from a few small forays, I haven’t done any serious biking for almost 35 years. Merry has had trouble with her feet lately but discovered she could ride without trouble. A further discovery that her bike was too small prompted purchase of a bike that fits...